Product Manager's Guide to APIs
This guide was created to give you clear understanding of what APIs are and why they matter for Product Managers.

4Â Cornerstones of Technical Fluency
A guide to demystify what it truly means to be technical as a Product Manager and how to achieve technical literacy.
30 Tech Terms Every PM Needs to Know
A curated collection of guides designed to help Product Managers build technical fluency in APIs, Data, System Design, and Infrastructure.Â

3 Tips for writing business requirements for your engineering team
The business requirements doc (BRD) and user stories are the two main ways we collaborate with dev teams to build out features/apps, so it goes a long way to get it right.
Here are 3 examples of business requirements from Skiplevel founder and instructor, Irene Yu's personal experience as a dev working with BRDs and user stories.

What is Web3? Breaking down Web2 vs Web3
In every day conversations, Web3 is used as an umbrella term for the blockchain, cryptocurrency, and NFTs.. but Web3 really refers to the next iteration of the world wide web (www) where the internet is "decentralized via blockchains"...
Learn the difference between Web3 and Web2 and how the rise of Web3 affects you.

Dashboard Visualization Best Practices: Kibana Dashboard Examples
Data visualization–popularly referred to as data viz–is its own movement at the intersection of data, engineering, and design and it's essential to analyzing, monitoring, and extracting insights from data.
Get the answer this question: "What's the one thing every team should implement to save a whole lot of time and headache in the long-term?"

7 Must-Use Tools for Product Managers 2022
Every great product manager uses a number of SaaS tools to be effective in their role, but it’s not always clear what types of tools and which specific SaaS product(s) you should use as a PM.
Get a comprehensive list of the tools you should definitely be using, and the ones you probably should use depending on your specific job function, company and product.

Understanding ETL vs ELT. ETL process example & ETL tools
Get the lay of the land of popular terms and concepts in data processing, especially as it relates to popular Cloud technology today. This will go a long way in helping you better understand, collaborate and communicate with your data and engineering teams about the work needed.
Find out what the difference between ETL and ELT is, plus get ETL process example and browse a list of popular ETL tools.

Product Manager Responsibilities: How to Write Better User Stories
PMs tend to overly focus on the customer perspective when writing user stories and forget that the ultimate goal of user stories is to foster collaboration between cross-functional teams, especially between PM and dev teams.
Find out why Product Managers are approaching users stories wrong (and what to do instead).

One Knight in Product
Join Jason Knight as he hosts a podcast for people interested in building and designing tech products. At least once a week, he speaks to PMs, product leaders, and anyone else involved in product management and product delivery.

Lessons in Product Management
Path2Product's Mission is to bridge the gap in product management experience for aspiring product managers, so the Lessons In Product Management podcast is here to support that effort, as well as provide valuable insights to existing PMs and PM leaders.

The Secrets of Product Management
Secrets of Product Management, hosted by Nils Davis, provides insights and knowledge for product managers, product marketers, and innovators who want to create successful products that bring value to the world.
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